Shop Luxury at a Fraction of the Cost
Get a new designer handbag from our upscale online clothing store in Hobbs, NM
Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci - whether you're a fashionista or not, you know these brands are a step above the rest! Bring home your own piece of designer fashion, by shopping at Fifth Avenue Upscale Resale. Our upscale clothing store has handbags, jewelry, and everything else you could want in your closet. We've partnered with a professional authenticator to ensure ALL of our items are authentic. Combined with our more than 40 years of experience, our team will guarantee that you only receive the real deal.
Stop by our shop today for:
Treat yourself to high-end handbags and accessories. Visit our upscale clothing store in Hobbs, NM today!
Get the Designer Handbag You've Always Wanted
Our store in Hobbs, NM has a large selection of authentic bags
Upgrade your wardrobe with our
Designer Handbags
There's something for everyone in our boutique of consignment and resale items.
We carry:
Louis Vuitton
We only keep high-quality items stocked. Don't wait to see our spectacular selection for yourself.
Sell the fashionable items you no longer wear
Are you in the middle of a closet cleanout? Take the luxury items you don't wear anymore to our resale clothing store. We will pay you for them, or you can sell them in our store and keep most of the money for yourself. Speak with a team member at our resale clothing store to learn more about how we buy and sell apparel and accessories.